Who Are Minor Attracted People?


Minor attracted people, or MAPs for short, are nepiophiles, pedophiles, hebephiles, and sometimes ephebephiles. Most MAPs are what's called anti-contact (or anti-c for short), meaning they do not condone sexual or romantic relationships among adults and children or child sexual abuse material. Pro-contact MAPs are not accepted by the majority of the MAP community. Non-offending MAPs, or NOMAPs, are MAPs who have not offended. Anti-contact is not synonymous with non-offending, as some pro-c MAPs do not offend for legal reasons and some anti-c MAPs have offended in the past.

MAPs do not want minor attractions to be LGBT. Many MAPs are LGBT, but cisgender and straight MAPs are not LGBT. Being a MAP does not stop someone from being LGBT.

Clovergender and pedosexual are both troll campaigns started on 4chan and have nothing to do with MAP movements.

Different Types of Minor Attraction

There are 4 types of minor attraction.

1. Nepiophilia. Nepiophilia is the attraction to infants and toddlers roughly ages 0-4.

2. Pedophilia. The word pedophilia is thrown around a lot, but all it means is the sexual attraction to prepubescent children children. It is not a crime, it is illegal to sexually abuse a child but simply being attracted to one is not a crime.

3. Hebephilia. Hebephilia is the attraction to pubescent children, usually ages 12-14.

4. Ephebephilia. Ephebephilia is the attraction to post-pubescent minors (teenagers). Attraction to older teenagers is extremely common, and usually not considered a minor attraction. Attraction to younger teenagers, however, is.

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